Sunday, 17 June 2018

Meet Harriet The Hymer

We are super excited to tell everyone, we're embarking on an adventure of a lifetime!! Just over a week ago, we picked up Harriet the Hymer from our friends at Erwin Hymer Group UK and drove the 400 miles home.

We realised, when parking up, the fridge wouldn't work on gas. So after a quick phone call to the lovely people at Tyne Valley Motorhome's (who did the handover), it was sorted. Just a little teething problem. All we had to do was press the reset button (flashing red triangle enclosing an exclamation mark). Brilliant, we were up and running.

We have been motorhoming previously so had a rough idea of what we needed to take with us. It's a little bit different travelling for a year than a fortnights holiday. For example, Andy takes Metformin tablets for Diabetes so we needed to do some research for that. Luckily we have an amazing Doctors Surgery who have supplied enough to last us at least 6 months. We've packed our EHIC cards and a repeat prescription for when he needs some more. We'll let you know how he gets on.

Another obstacle we've managed to get over is travel insurance. Most companies don't want to insure you for 12 months away. However, if you're 55 or under on the day you apply to Alpha Insurance, you can get covered for a whole year for not too much money (thanks to the guys that do the 'Our Tour' blog for the tip).

So we've spent the last week packing up Harriet the Hymer and sorting out the house. Saying goodbye to family and friends and shopping for England. 

We're looking forward to blogging about our adventures. 

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